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Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

What Is Hacking, and Simple Tips to Save Your Computer From Hacking

What is Computer Hacking?

Computer hacking is the practice of making malicious modifications to a program in order to accomplish an aim outside the original purpose of the creator. A that engages in to these activities is called a Hacker, who is usually a specialist programmer who regards hacking as an art & as a way to apply their skills in actual life situations. But other hackers have far more dicey objectives than to demonstrate their skills, like stealing personal knowledge, gaining unauthorized access, etc.

Who are Hackers?

Hacking has been a serious issue. Hacking has gained tremendous development after the introduction of the net because of the ease of access to systems around the globe which this know-how provides. With the increasing use of the net, hacking has also become a more serious issue in recent times. Hackers are usually young individuals in the field of programming but there is also some elderly sheep. Also the simple access to any type of knowledge has helped expand expertise in the field of hacking. Now it does not need a specialist programmer to hack a computer of private network. A pleasant guiding editorial can turn an infant in to a specialist hacker.

Threats of Hacking

Hackers have become so specialist that even giant program associates like Microsoft & Nintendo are not safe from this misery, causing losses of millions of dollars every year. The targets are not limited to the giants, private users are also greatly affected by this threat. The theft of personal knowledge, credit destruction, & unauthorized access to private knowledge are only lots of the threats that hacking poses to private users.

How to protect yourself against Hacking

Hacking is a complex issue but the method of to protect yourself from hacking is simple. Simple precautions can mean the difference between a full proof secure method & a vulnerable network. Follow these simple tips to save yourself from hackers.

Hackers are always looking for loose ends in your security. So it’s important to pay attention to all small things in order to have a full proof security for your knowledge & computer. Virus & Adware are true Hacker's tools. Weakening your security & secretly sending your private knowledge in wrong hands. The best way to beat them is to make use of antivirus & anti adware program. It is also important to make use of updated versions of security program & OS as they lose effectiveness with time. Another lovely strategy is to make use of a Firewall to cease unauthorized access to your method. & it is also important to be cautious when surfing the net & using emails. These simple tricks can mean the difference. & keep in mind, Care is better than Cure.

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