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Selasa, 26 April 2011

How to choose laptop battery for backup

If you have ever gone to a battery forum, you will find that there are a lot of questions about the replacement of a brand spanking new laptop computer battery. Today I will write something about how to buy a replacement laptop computer battery.

Firstly, select the right type battery for your laptop computer

As all of us know, battery is the most essential part of a laptop computer. Usually laptop computer only has type battery. Therefore, if wrong type has been selected, your laptop computer will be greatly damaged. There is ways for you to find out the type of your laptop computer battery.

  • ·         Look at your elderly battery, & you will find the type of it there.
  • ·      Search the laptop computer brand & model number on the net, & its manufacturer's web-site is better, so as to find out its battery type.
Secondly, buy a battery with longest life & life span that available for your laptop computer.

As I said in earlier post, the battery life & life span is important to a laptop computer user, who likes using it out of home or office. Long battery life means that you needn't charge it often, & long life span means that you needn't replace your laptop computer battery again in a short time. Of coursework, batteries with long life & life span need higher capacity & cost much more, thus it is up to you to judge & weight.

Thirdly, think about the third-party brands.

Here the third-party brands mean the brands different from the brand of your laptop computer. As far as I am concerned, plenty of people buy a laptop computer battery with the same brand of their laptops. It is a most secure way to choose the same brand, but it is not the most suitable choice. The reasons are as follows:

  •    Some batteries made by the third-party have same quality with the original manufacturers'    batteries; however, their cost is much lower. In fact, you can save plenty of money with no loss, why not.
  • Batteries made by the third-party have longer warranty. Keep in mind: a year warranty is a must.

Fourthly, spend some time on cost comparison

No matter you decided to buy from bricks-and-mortar shops or online, you ought to keep in mind "shop around do not lose out". Take a note of the batteries and the shop which suit your need, finally make a call after serious consideration.

Now after all these preparation, it is time for you to buy a lovely battery for your laptop computer. I think that you will make a wise choice.

How to Determine If Your Hard Drive May Be Failing or Faulty in Your Laptop

The hard drive is located inside the laptop computer & is used to store Windows, your programs & your knowledge. When a fault develops it is often difficult to be sure of the cause, this article will indicate lots of the things to check to arrive at a conclusion.

You may notice any of the following that may be caused by a defective or failing hard drive located inside the laptop computer:-

1. Laptop computer dead no power lights etc. Surprisingly a defective drive can occasionally cease the power up of the laptop computer. The power light may come on; the battery light may come on. In case you remove the drive & the laptop computer powers up to the bios screen then this would confirm that the drive has failed.

2. The laptop computer is slow to power up to a Windows screen. Additionally, it may reply slowly when you try to run a program from the desktop. The drive may be causing the slow responses but so may defective ram, defective CPU or defective application, more tests would be necessary to confirm that the drive is flawed.

3. The laptop computer may start to power up in to Windows then cease either with or without a picture on the screen. Hard drives may generate 'bad blocks' where part of the surface of the drive medium is broken, this can account for the stalling in the loading of Windows. Other caused of stalling may be defective ram, defective CPU or defective application, more tests would be necessary to confirm that the drive is flawed

4. Most drives have a feature called 'Smart'. This can give early warning to the laptop computer user that the drive is about to fail. The drive may apparently be operating correctly, but if a smart warning is seen then your work & knowledge ought to be immediately backed up & the drive replaced.

5. Sometimes a drive becomes noisy; this may indicate that it needs replacing, although some makes are noisier than others.

6. When beginning up the laptop computer a requester is seen indicating that scandisk is going to be run. This may be caused by the hard drive detecting a feasible misread of the media. The scandisk application attempts to check the full structure of the application on the drive & correct where feasible. In case you don't always close down the laptop computer properly then scandisk may be triggered.

It is often not realized by the laptop computer user that the hard drive can fundamentally be damaged by slightly bumping or banging the laptop computer when it is turned on. Bearing this in mind laptops ought to not be used on laps but on a solid surface. Also when finishing work on the laptop computer it ought to be shutdown properly not the lid closed as the method of shutdown. This is because sometimes the laptop computer does not complete shutdown when the lid is closed; then the laptop computer will be bumped around when the hard drive is still active. Time the laptop computer has closed down properly then minor bumps & bangs ought to not cause destroy to the hard drive. Always close down the laptop computer properly, don't force power off as this may cause hard drive errors that may or may not be cleared by scandisk.

Often, the only way to be sure that the hard drive is the reason for issues in a laptop computer is to replace the drive & see how the performance changes.

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Some Guide To Mahjong

In the eighties, when the world was getting acquainted to the tool called computers, a substantial number of betting companies started converting board & other popular games to program versions & created a revolution in the games industry. Such game was Mahjong. Roughly translated, this means chattering Sparrow & ancient tales claim that this name was given to the game because Confucius (game's creator) liked birds a lot. This game was extensively & exclusively played by the royal high class of the Chinese from the eighteen eighties (as far as written history goes) to the nineteen twenties. After that it was released around the globe & became so popular that the world faced an ivory shortage.

Because each country used to add their own rules & pics to the game, users in the United States found it hard to follow as a substantial number of playing methods & rules were developed. Mahjong or the Mahjong solitaire is not that ancient in the program version as its first distributed version was released by Activision in the year 1986. Activision had called the game Shanghai at that point & its creators were Brad Fregger & Brodie Lockard. Like its board counterpart, the program version also proved a success as over0 million copies of the game were sold around the globe.

The original Mahjong board in the Shanghai game consisted of 144 tiles- with each tile having a different picture of flowers, seasons, numbers & other things. The tiles are made out in to a grid which is higher in the central region (although that depends on the layout selected by the user). The layout is generated by the computer in a random format & it could differ in height, size & pattern. There can be over hundreds of layouts while several implementations also bringing in to fifteen minute time period for completion.

The aim of the game is that the user has to clear out the board by removing identical looking pairs from the layout. The pair is valid if it is of the same type, identical looking & free. There is other conditions which can be used for removing the tile pair - the first being that the tile has to be identical (example &, east & east etc.) & the flowers & seasons tiles can be used to pair up without them having to be identical. However, the pair has to comply with the rule that no tile to be lying on its left or right & no tile ought to either partially or fully cover it. is site which brings back all the classic formats & can be visited to relive the time in which stuck to the computer like glue watching & playing Mahjong.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Say Thanks for the (Random Access) Memories!

Last time, they covered what memory (or RAM) is, & what it does. They also looked at the inevitable "Do I have RAM?" query that pops up in every computer's life. But how do you know if it is working right, & what do you do if it is not?

Memory has a trait that is both lovely & bad. Lovely: if it is flawed, your computer will have issues immediately, & you won't be able to ignore it. Bad: It is not always simple to figure out if the memory is the issue. In any case, in the event you figure out your memory is flawed, replace it; there is no fixing it. Here are some signs to look for.

Blue Screen of Death (or BSOD)
In the event you have been using a computer for any length of time, odds are you have seen a BSOD, or at least heard of it. It is a dreaded thing to most people because it often means something catastrophic happened to Windows that made it halt everything it was doing & cease (in fact, they was time called STOP errors). The blue screen itself won't tell you much, but look for a mistake code that starts with 0x. Put that code in to a search engine, & you'll find some more detail on what the error means. The blue screen might even reference the memory outright. That usually means there was an argument either reading or writing knowledge in memory. It could be a physical defect, or it could be a program issue.

(Hey Rock, could this be of those electrical charge thingies you mentioned in your reboot post? Why yes, yes it could be)

Windows errors
Though less dramatic than the BSOD, bad memory can also cause Windows error messages to popup often. Again, note any codes or references to memory. Copy down the exact message, put it in your favorite search engine, & see what comes of it.

The computer won't boot up
This is a common. Fortunately, most systems can tell if the memory has an argument at boot time. You'll often listen to a beep sequence, & a message will show on the screen. The message would usually be more informative than the BSOD, so read carefully.

Ok, so it looks like the memory is bad. Now what?
The above steps are a general guide, not a be-all, end-all of memory troubleshooting. But in the event you do select through observation & research that you are having memory trouble, here's a pleasant chain of events to follow.
DISCLAIMER: These steps involve opening up your PC & handling the hardware. This can void your warranty. It may even be dicey if not completed safely. I am not responsible for any negative results (though in case you do it right, you ought to not have any). ALWAYS turn off the power, & unplug the computer before adjusting the hardware. If in doubt, consult a technician.

Troubleshooting RAM modules
Most modern computers have over memory stick in them (you can see what RAM slots look like here, with & without RAM in them). Remove stick, & power up the computer. Still having the same issue? Try of the other sticks. When you have removed a stick of RAM & the issue goes away, then you know that the troublemaker is either the stick of RAM you took out, or the slot it was inserted in to (we'll call them the suspect slot & RAM for now). Re-insert the suspect stick of RAM in the suspect slot. If the issue returns, try putting the suspect stick of RAM in to a different slot. Still having issues? Then that stick of RAM is flawed. No issues? Then the suspect slot is the likely culprit. In this case, you'll must avoid using the slot, or get a new motherboard. In case you cannot get the issue to go away with any combination of RAM/slots, then you are taking a glance at either a) a bad motherboard b) multiple bad sticks of RAM or slots or c) not a RAM issue at all.

Replacing defective RAM
There are a lot of different kinds of memory. In the event you are not positive what you need to replace your defective stick, I recommend looking it up online. Your manufacturer's net site will have that knowledge. In case you have a brand name computer you bought pre-assembled, look for the model or serial number of the computer, & put it in the search box on the manufacturer's net site. In case you built the computer yourself, or it doesn't have a manufacturer name, look for the model number on the motherboard, & go to the motherboard manufacturer's net site. In either case, you'll find what kind of memory your technique supports. You can then head to your local computer store & get the replacement part you need.

The Most Efficient Way You Can Check for IP Address Locations From Anywhere in the World

For the most part, people do think that they can do anything they need online since no knows where they from or who they are. This makes them think that they can indulge in behavior that would normally be frowned on by normal people. These behaviors can range from malicious emails to fake job offers that are normally known as scams to the remainder of society.

No matter how anonymous these people think they are, there will always be way of knowing where they can be found & that is through checking the IP address. Now, you may say that you have no idea what an IP address is & it is simple to understand. See, the IP address is a numeric label that is given to any tool be it a computer or printer that participates in a network that makes use of the IP or net protocol to communicate. Unless they have found a way to hide their IP address then you will know where they are from & where all that activity is originating from as well.

IP location is useful now that e mail scams are getting prolific. You will need o find some way of finding out where these emails are coming from & the IP location is a reliable way of finding that out.

Now, you might be wondering when you will actually have a necessity for an IP locator which you can get online. There is excellent example for that. Let us say that you applied to several jobs online & you happen you happen to get an e mail from some company in Europe that claims they need to hire you. Yet, you feel that the deal may be lovely to be true & you need some way to confirm the authenticity of the job offer. You can use the IP locator & you will get to check if that e mail was indeed sent from Europe or some tent in the midst of the desert somewhere & they are out to scam you by any means that they can.

An IP lookup device from will give you geographical information regarding a computer user. In addition to your IP address, a IP lookup device may also find the IP address of your local area network (LAN) & detailed information.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

History Of Mahjong Game

Mahjong is a player Chinese game which is modified in the recent times, to suit the Western style as a tile matching Computer game. The original game is actually played with 136 tiles which are based on the Chinese symbols & characters. Each player is given thirteen tiles in the beginning. The players must draw the tiles & discard them accordingly in turns. By the fourteenth draw, the players must form a pair & groups. The groups are called 'Melds' & the pair is called 'Head'. There is positive rules regarding how the cards are drawn, the cards are taken from other players to form melds, the numbered tiles are used, winds & dragons types of tiles are melded, what are the different types of melds, & how the cards are dealt in an order & played. But these rules differ according to the local regions they are played at, depending on the scoring method as per the local rules.

There is fascinating myths regarding the origin of the game. Of them states that it was Confucius, the Chinese philosopher who developed this game around 500 B.C. The word 'Mahjong' means 'sparrow' in Chinese. There is & a powerful belief that Confucius was so keen on the birds & hence the game was named 'Mahjong'. But some historians claim that the game was actually developed in the coursework of the period of early Ming Dynasty. Another theory suggests that it was developed by the Chinese army officers in the coursework of the Taiping Rebellion, to keep them engaged in some means of passing their time, when they were not on duty. It is also believed that the game was developed by a nobleman who was living in Shanghai between the year 1870 & 1875. There is no clear written records regarding who created the game & the debates are still going on.

Mahjong was of the major games of betting in China & some other Chinese speaking countries & communities. So when the Communist government came to power in China in 1949, it banned the playing of the game, stating that the game influences corruption among the citizens. The game was initially played in China alone as the game was not popular in other Western countries due to the shortage of knowledge of the game. It was only after 1910, several written records of the game spread across the globe. When the game was imported to New York in the year 1920, it took a revolutionary turn & became an instant popularity among the Americans. From then on, this game has become of the mostly played games, by the common people.

Senin, 18 April 2011

Now You Can Have an Easy Way to Find Out About People

Web is a worldwide communication that most of us use to communicate around the globe. It makes our every day life simpler, like for example they find jobs through nets. Find people they don't know & meet them like that. The amazing thing of web it makes us meets other people without exactly being on that place. It makes different lands meet in a glimpse of seconds. Do you find it terrific? Well you ought to be. Without this sort of know-how nowadays it would be difficult for us to make things simple.

Did you ever thought of asking yourself what in the event you know each & everybody in this world will it be simple for you to look for a job, make friends, travel around the globe without feeling uneasy? That can be fun but of work it is impossible to memorize billions of names. Though there's lots of search engines that people can use today to communicate place to another. In that case, they have the chance to know other people without being their childhood friends, schoolmates, or even classmates. These kinds of search engines are useful for us. It will help us expand our knowledge to small ideas from giant ideas from place to another.

They need to know what kind of browsers they are going to make use of. make positive that browser is liable & has the following rules. They must even be cautious to any browser they are using. To find out more about people access to some sites that you can browse some people all over the world.

Who else doesn't need to make this sort of thing simple? This is an advantage for all of us. They need to make use of this sort of know-how in a great way. Learn more, explore more there is nothing wrong to expand our knowledge as long as they know we are doing it in a great way. The only hindrances about this sort of know-how are some individuals who use to access web have bad motivation. Specialists work hard to keep away from this sort of issues. So that people won't fail to trust the browsing industries.

Discover much more about how find out about people & find out much more on how to people finder.

11 Pieces of Printing Trivia Everbody Needs to Know

Too lots of people think of printing as a necessary disagreeable they put up with as a way to a finish. They miss the beauty, the possibilities & yes, the fun that goes hand in hand with this amazingly diverse field-a field that, with the advent of 3-D printing, the new possibilities they are discovering in digital printing & the elderly style beauty of offset printing, is becoming more diverse by the day!

It probably would not surprise you to know that printing has its own history. That is a given. What you might not know is that you are living in it, every day. You don't know it yet! For example, did you know that:
  1. Benjamin Franklin, John Dunlap & the Wright Brothers were all printers by trade?
  2. Paul Revere (a silversmith by trade) engraved the plates for the first colonial funds?
  3. The printing industry may have given birth to the phrase, "Mind your p's & q's", an admonishment from the printer to his apprentice to watch carefully when setting the letters in an old-style printing press? (This has been debated, since there are a lot of feasible origins for the phrase & no is actually positive which is correct.)
  4. The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle?
  5. They have about $500 billion in U.S. funds currently in circulation, most of it outside of the U.S.?
  6. In 1999 a 1943 copper penny was sold at auction for $112,500?
  7. When a master printer was printing a page & discovered a specific sort was empty, he'd be...upset? Upset. Hence the phrase, "Out of Sorts".
  8. The first book to be printed using a moveable type printing press was the Gutenberg Bible?
  9. 3D printing was used to check lighting for every scene in the film "Avatar?"
  10. People have been printing since 1447? (This means there is, in fact, a distinct possibility that a variety of the pieces you see in the museum ARE older than dirt.)
  11. Pringles time combined inkjet printing with food coloring to print trivia questions & answers on their chips?

Go ahead. Tell me you seldom ate a Pringles. Or read about Paul Revere. Or told your co-workers to cease being so out of sorts. & they are not even going to speak about minding your p's & q's!

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Looking For The Best In Blu-Ray Copying Applications

With all sorts of media, cameras, cell rings, devices, application they stand confused in front of a jungle of choices. In our nature is to select what is best & to crave for even better. Time the search starts they are in a world of pain, as nothing is obvious in fact it is even more obscure when they dive in to matter.

It is far from that state of common sense which says "don't worry about it, it is a camera" or whatever, these things possess our attention even when it comes to irrelevant performances.
But still various this human behavior does make sense otherwise they would still be stuck to the bone as Kubrick's monkeys in the opening sequence of the 2001. Odyssey.

Nevertheless, it is more than ever exhausting to search for a right gizmo, so when they engage the moment of truth, they mostly finish up confused & look for someone to make a demand us.

At least that is what I did on every step of my journey to becoming a video amateur. I could not make mistakes, as my budget would not permit me experimenting with different cameras, application for editing, first blow had to be a KO in order for me to survive in the game. So what I did with camera I repeated with editing programs, which was astonishingly even more complicated then selecting the correct camera.
Beyond straightforward copying, features that might be present & only slightly more complex in operating could include the choice of copy mode. These will vary, but even the less sophisticated versions will offer variations including the ability to copy the film only & eradicate the trailers, introduction & warnings. Some will also offer the ability to adjust the audio settings, allowing you to convert the HD audio to a higher quality audio that will also reduce the space necessary ought to compression of the file be needed.

The ability to compress files is & a common feature of copying applications. This lets you compress BD-50 (Dual layer) discs down to BD-25 (Single Layer) discs or even down to BD-9 or BD-5 (DVD) discs. As well as saving space, this is & a money-saving aspect of the application as Blu-ray discs are still significantly more pricey than traditional DVD's. While there is an argument for maintaining the Blu-ray media, the cost-cutting is still present in the ability of the application to write to rewritable discs.

A vital aspect of any such application is the technical support. It is worth inquiring in to this facet of the application thoroughly before committing to a product. In addition to the necessity for expertise readily on hand for troubleshooting, buyers could bear in mind the speed at which know-how is developing. Regular updates to the application are included in plenty of packages & worth pursuing as obsolescence is a deepening chasm in the all application development.

The role of a Blu-ray copying application is over a way to save a dollar on the cost of a second copy of a film. It is a system of gaining security in investments, both financial & emotional. Given the power such application has to copy exactly, quickly & with options of selectivity, compression & regular updates, there are a lot of reasons for any Blu-ray user to look closely at purchasing a Blu-ray copying application.