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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

How make you type faster

You know the feeling. You seldom learned any keyboard skills at school (assuming they were even being taught when you were there) so your typing is closer to hunt & peck than it is to Mavis Beacon. Which is OK in case you are tapping out a short e mail but is a pain in the neck in case you have got a multi page document to produce.

Here are some tips to help you type faster without having to take steps backwards in your typing speed while you learn.

1. Use over finger!

If hand is laying dormant or is gripping your mouse with a vengeance than move anywhere near the keyboard, it is time to make use of at least finger from each hand.

In the event you use each hand to cover around half the keyboard then you'll reduce what a hard disk manufacturer would call "seek time". Your fingers have less distance to travel, which will speed up your typing. & of them tapping away will help as well.

2. Thump the space bar along together together along along along along along together with your thumb

This is again an simple trick to learn.

Gradually train your thumb to be the thing that hits the space bar than moving of your fingers down to the bottom of the keyboard.

3. Think about touch typing

This is a brige far for lots of people. I am fast with a few fingers & my left thumb to have found that learning to touch type was much hassle. Possibly finally I'd have sped up but short term touch typing was grinding my typing & my creativity to a halt. Your choice - in case you are pounding a keyboard day in, day out, it could be worth the short term hit on typing speed for the longer term benefit.

4. Watch the screen, not the keyboard

This is an "ouch" at first.

But learning to watch the screen over the keyboard was probably the single most important thing I personally did to speed up my tapping.

Touch typists do it by definition, so I figured that if it was lovely for them, it was lovely for me.

There is occasions when I'll slip & my eyes will glance at the keyboard. But they are less & less often & are used to "get my bearings" on where the keys have moved from (psychologically - I don't balance my keyboard on my lap) since I last checked.

A purist touch typist would glare at me for doing this - they'd use those tiny raised bits on the F & J keys to keep themself guided. But in case you are not a touch typist, glancing at the keyboard is fine.

5. Cheat!

Again, Mavis Beacon would throw her arms up in horror at this suggestion.

But there is nothing to say you need to make use of a keyboard.

There is programs available that will transcribe your words onto the screen. So you can literally talk your words than hammer away at that QWERTY keyboard.

Windows keeps it a tiny small tiny small tiny small tiny little tiny bit of a secret but ever since Vista, it is had that capability built in but - for reasons I have seldom understood - switched off. Do a fast search & see whether you get on with this technique - I find it slows me down, as I am liking to listen to music as I type but you may pick it is the best way to not type.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Many people finish up frustrated & confused when trying to set up a wireless router themselves. They usually try to follow the setup CD or instructions that came with the router & finish up giving up or paying somebody else to do it for them.

This news story will outline the basic ideas you need to understand to set up a wireless router yourself. I'll show you how to do it without using the setup CD that comes together along together with your router & without any of the fancy devices or push buttons designed to make setting up a wireless router simple. While these methods may appear simple on the surface they don't always work. They also keep you isolated from any understanding of what is actually going on. If a simple mistake is made you may get stuck & be forced to turn to somebody else for help.

 Time you understand how to set up a wireless router you'll also understand how to set up any wireless device on the market including printers, game consoles, iPads etc.

The basic ideas you need to understand about wireless routers & wireless networking security are:

1. Your SSID - Service Set Identifier. This is a huge sounding word that fundamentally means the name of your wireless network. It is best to alter this from the default & give it a name that means something to you but means small to somebody else. Something like ILHMAP for "I Love Home Made Apple Pie" is lovely.

2. You’re Encryption Type - You need to understand the hierarchy of wireless encryption. It began with WEP or Wired Equivalent Privacy. This came standard with most B & G routers. As computer processors speeds increased WEP became simpler & simpler to crack so a brand spanking new standard came out call WPA. WPA makes use of TKIP as it is encryption. Soon after WPA came out WPA2 was introduced. WPA2 makes use of an even stronger kind of encryption called AES. Some older operating systems & game consoles will only work with WEP. When you are you able to need to make use of WPA or WPA2. Lots of times you can select WPA/WPA2 which lets you make use of both types of encryption with the same password. This is a well-liked choice when setting up security on a wireless router.

3. Your Pass phrase - This is also called the password or "encryption key". It is often confused with the router password. The router password is fundamentally the password you use to log in to the router. The encryption key is what allows a computer, printer or other network device to connect or "associate" with the wireless router. WEP passwords are generated by typing in a word or phrase. The result is usually scrambled in to something like "17B295FcA8". You then must type these hexadecimal characters in to each of your devices. Not user-friendly. WPA & WPA2 do not generate difficult to keep in mind hex numbers like WEP. You can fundamentally type in 8-63 characters such as "My dog barks loud". In this example spaces count as characters & the "M" in "My" MUST be capitalized.

Now that you understand the basic ideas involved with wireless networking let's put them to make use of.

All that is left to do now is access the routers web interface & enter the parameters mentioned above.

In order to access the routers web interface you need to know things.

1. The routers IP address.
2. The routers user name & password.
3. In case your computer is on the same network as the routers IP address.

IP Address

The routers IP address is usually something like, or even0.0.0.1. The documentation that came with the router ought to provide this. In case you don't have the documentation fundamentally do a search engine search for "router make & model default IP."

Username & Password

The routers username & password is usually along the lines of "admin" & "password". If these don't work fundamentally do a search engine search on "router make & model default password". If it is a used router you may require to hard reset it to get it back to it is default. Hard resetting usually involves poking a paper clip in to a little hole in the back of the router & holding it for 15 to 30 seconds & releasing. Time you release the router will reboot & return to it is factory default settings & you'll be able to make use of it is default username & password to log on.

Same Network?

In case your computer is on the same network as the routers IP address you'll be able to connect. If not you won't be able to connect. Network devices require being on the same network to communicate with each other unless them are using a special configured router to join their separate networks. time you know your routers default IP address fundamentally go your computers command prompt & type in IPCONFIG. This will return your computers IP address.

If the first "octets" of your routers IP & your computers IP line up you’re on the same network. In the event that they don't you won't be able to connect.

Let's look at some examples of this:

If your routers default IP address is: & your computer IP address is you won't be able to connect.

A better illustration of this is as follows:

Same network:

Different network:

So if your PC is not on the same network as the router what do you do?

Fundamentally connect finish of an Ethernet cable to of the ports in the back of you router & the other to the network port in your PC & reboot.

When the computer reboots it will automatically pick up an IP from your routers built-in DHCP server that will let you connect to the router.

Now that all the stars are all properly aligned it is time to connect to the router.

To do this fundamentally:

. Enter your routers IP address in to your favorite browser (IE, Chrome, and Firefox etc.) & hit "enter".

. Type in the username & password to access the router.

. Find the "Wireless" or "Wireless Security" section in your router & enter the SSID; Encryption & Pass phrase parameters as discussed above.

That is it!

 Time you are done you require to enter the pass phrase you created in to the wireless utilities in each of your network devices. This is a simple matter of clicking or tapping on your SSID, entering you pass phrase & clicking on "connect!"

Now that you understand the basics of setting up a wireless router you can set up any wireless networking tool you like. Whether you’re setting up a Wireless G router, a Wireless N Router, a wireless printer, an iPad or iPod the principles are the same.

The Disney Junior Games

An assortment of junior games which provides plenty of fun & schooling & interaction for your children are manufactured by Disney. Some like the Surprise clubhouse has favorite’s characters from the show. The fun begins when you open the box & a surprise gateway magically appears. When different levers & switches are operated the favorite’s characters will sing & dance & say jokes from the shows. Your kid will love the surprise elements of the game.

The Disney Mouskedoer Toolbox game is an assortment of tools for your kid to do a whole lot of fun activities. The tools include a magnifying glass, a mobile phone, a megaphone, a telescope, compass & a camera. When your kid presses the buttons corresponding to the characters, they appear & quit to0 issues to solve. This provides an engaging & learning activity for your kid & an ability to think & solve issues on his own. They is also encouraged to make use of the tools that are given in the Mouskedoer Toolbox game which allows him a brilliant way to gain knowledge through a fun filled activity set.

The Disney Clubhouse register is actually a fun toy which can be used as an element of a whole lot of games. Your children could pretend walking a store where the funds register is the main part of the activity. Counting is encouraged & the whole set of the tools includes play funds, an ATM card, a scanner that is chilled & makes sounds when you use it & also play grocery items which can be sold against play funds. Role playing is & a possibility that the children can play & they would love the whole idea of the Clubhouse register.

How about a Disney Choo-Choo expresses game? This fun Disney toys are a kid's delight & with the new DVD that comes paired with the Choo-Choo express game your children will love it for positive. This express can lay down its own tracks when it moves & plays whistle & the Choo-Choo songs are played. The 12 track pieces may even be laid down to be connected & played.

The Disney Clubhouse hoppers are made of hard gauge vinyl & a sturdy handle that makes hopping around together along together along together along together along with your favorites Disney characters a whole lotta fun. If your children love playing outside, these hoppers make a great addition to their overall activities. Overall, great for a total fun & entertainment filled activity & for exercises.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

How to Watch iPlayer Abroad

If you are living abroad or on holiday & cannot bear to live without your favorite British TV shows, then there is a solution. BBC iPlayer is of the most popular platforms to watch UK TV shows. But there is an issue, it only works in the United Kingdom. In case you have ever tried to watch iPlayer abroad then you will find that it fundamentally says "Not Available In your Area".

The reason the BBC doesn't let you watch these channels abroad are because of the license fee. This means that programs can only be watched by people within the United Kingdom. But there is a simple way around this, & the best solution is to make use of something called a VPN.

What is a VPN?

A VPN is a special tunnel through the net to connect networks together. This means that the computers behave exactly as in the event that they were connected to a Local Area Network. VPN's were first used by businesses to permit employees access to their computer networks from other locations, however they may even be used to help you watch iPlayer in a foreign country.


There is VPN servers located all around the globe. In case you require watching UK TV while abroad then you will require making use of a UK VPN. These services work by allowing you to connect using your foreign net connection to the VPN Server which is based in the United Kingdom.

This means that your computer will behave in the same way as in case you went all the way to the knowledge middle where the VPN server is located & plugged your computer in to a network socket. The only difference is that you can be hundreds, or even thousands of miles away. The advantage of this is it will give you a UK IP Address.

The IP Address is the one-of-a-kind address that your computer has on the World Wide Web. It is feasible to make use of this address to work out where in the world your computer is located. That is why connecting through a UK VPN to watch iPlayer is so important. By connecting through of these VPN servers it is feasible to get yourself a UK IP address & access iPlayer because the service will think you are from the United Kingdom.


When you are choosing a VPN server it is worth bearing in mind that not all VPN services are the same. In case you are planning to watch streaming video online from services like iPlayer then you will require choosing a VPN which makes a specialty of allowing expats to watch iPlayer. Not all VPN's are speedy & plenty of them are only designed as a way of allowing you to access other UK based services such as bank accounts.

Choosing a VPN

In case you are interested in using a VPN to watch iPlayer while abroad then you will require choosing an appropriate VPN service. There is so plenty of to choose from that this can be a little difficult. Make positive you pick with a funds back guarantee so that you can get your funds back in case it doesn't work speedy for you to watch iPlayer.

If it is not speedy, then it is also feasible to check that the firewall on your computer & router are allowing you a speedy connection to the net. It is also worth testing plenty of the different VPN servers which are also in the United Kingdom & available under your subscription because these might be faster.

A little about Email Phising

One of the biggest frauds being committed today is the scam of email phishing.

What is Email Phishing?

If you often use electronic mail as a communication technique then anyone has tried to phish you unless you haven't opened any electronic mail in the last 18 months. Phishing is the electronic mail you usually get that informs you that your bank account/PayPal account/eBay account has been suspended until you login & confirm your account details. The electronic mail says something like this:

"We recently reviewed your account, & suspect that your Citibank Net Banking accounts may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party. Defending the security of your account & of the Citibank network is our primary concern. Therefore, as a preventative measure, they have temporarily limited access to sensitive account features. To restore your account access, take the following steps to be positive that your account has not been compromised".

If you click on the link provided in the e mail you are taken to a web page that contains all the logos & features of the legitimate organization with a form to fill out with some or all of your account details.
These emails DO NOT come from your banking institution.
They have come from someone who is trying to STEAL your account details. This knowledge will then be stored/or transmitted to the phisher who will now have your account details & can now make transactions on your account.

Do NOT reply to these emails. Your banking institution will contact you by letter or phone if there is an issue together along with your account. In the event you get of these emails DO NOT click on any links in the electronic mail.

 In lieu you ought to contact your bank or financial institution by telephone/personally & ask if there is an issue together along with your account.

 You ought to document any phishing emails to your financial institution and/or to the appropriate Federal authorities. 

According to Gartner about million people reported that their checking account was breached in way or another in the coursework of the last year & over US$ billion were defrauded from the victims!

Other steps to take prevent this from happening to you -

Never submit account details unless a web-site is secure. Look for the closed padlock in your browser status bar & the https:// at the beginning of the Web address. If both of these signs are present, then the Net site is secure. 

Review your bank statements immediately when you get them. Most phishing emails come from spam so get a spam filter & install it on your computer. 

Document ANY phishing attempts to the concerned institution. 

Change your passwords & PINs regularly. It is advisable to make use of separate PINs & passwords for different accounts so that if account is compromised, your whole financial details won't be compromised.

 In case you are a frequent user of EBay, download the EBay Web browser toolbar which is a small program that runs along along together with your Web browser. It flashes red when you visit a feasible spoof site. The toolbar makes use of a database of spoof site URLs, submitted by customers & is updated often.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Are Digital Menus the Wave of the Future?

The future is inspiring indeed. From clever phone handsets that are fundamentally handheld supercomputers, to cars that provide turn-by-turn directions & have voice activated commands, it is hard not to get excited. Now, even TVs sets are featuring streaming net & function not only as TVs but also as web browsers & multimedia hubs. Indeed, the future is on is, & it is moving so speedy that in the blink of an eye, you could miss out on the next great innovation in case you don't have your ear pressed to the ground; or keep up with the constantly changing technological standards of the present day. In par with this notion are digital menus. But are they are the wave of the future?

Why Digital Menus Make Financial Sense for Restaurants

From the financial aspect, digital menus may appear like a pricey addition for restaurants at first glance. However, such could not be further from the truth. In most cases, paper menus must be reprinted several times per year & they are unable to be updated without being reprinted. The average restaurant could usually pay for the cost of these digital menus within the first years of implementing them. They are also more fundamentally updatable & even commercial spots can be sold to companies that can help to better balance the cost of adding them to any establishment. They are & a more environmentally friendly & "green" approach to menus in the coursework of the present day.

Driving Consumer Awareness & Increasing Sales

The most important aspect for any restaurant is driving more consumer awareness, & ultimately yielding more sales & annual profits. With digital menus, this is more fundamentally achieved because the reach can be expanded by increased word of mouth. Not only do people talk a lot about nifty technological gizmos & devices, but when they find out that there is places that have such menus in place - & if the tablets (iPad/Android) that feature the menus are outfitted with popular social media feeds - the word can be spread quickly thanks to the net & how much people depend on it to communicate with another.

Upping Customer Service, Retention & Loyalty

Finally, service can be vastly improved on with digital menus. Servers can more focus on looking after customers' needs when they don't must worry about the order pad any longer. Stock can be better managed, & food can be more exactly prepared to exacting customer specifications. This ultimately serves to improve customer loyalty & retention by improved customer support & amenities.

Aptito digital menus are the next evolutionary step for restaurants that are seeking to increase customer awareness & loyalty, & offer their valued guests a contemporary & interactive way to order food & get personalized & interactive service. They also offer sleek & easy-to-use tablets (iPad/Android) that you can use to replace your outdated paper menus of yesteryear & provide guests with electronic menus instead